Manoj Shrestha 略歴
京都大学大学院経済学研究科博士課程単位取得退学、総合研究大学院大学 Ph.D取得。
国際日本文化研究センター来訪研究員、ペンシルバニア大学Wharton School of Managementシニア
研究員、MIT(マサチューセッツ工科大学)Center for International Studies研究員、
東京大学先端科学技術研究センター知的財産権大部門協力研究員、コーネル大学Center for Technology Enterprise and Commercialization客員研究員、Fraunhofer IAO(シュツットガルト大学
(ドイツ))客員研究員、スタンフォード大学US-Asia Technology Management Center客員教授、
甲南大学経営学学部教授 (経営戦略論担当)。
Dr. Manoj Shrestha is full professor teaching strategic management and policy studies at Konan university Kobe Japan. He received his Ph.D. from the Graduate University of Advanced Study (SOKENDAI), Japan for his studies on the strategic alliance and role of the intellectual property rights management on the foreign direct investment. He received his M.A. in Economics from Kyoto University, Japan. He is the author of the book entitled “Multi-nationalization of Firms and Technology Transfer” published in Japanese by Chikura Shobo. He was former Visiting Professor at Stanford University and Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Delhi. Dr. Shrestha was Senior Fellow of Wharton School Pennsylvania University where he worked with Professor Robert House on leadership and strategic management. He was also with the Sloan School and Center for International Studies at MIT as a Visiting Scholar. His publications relating to Africa include: “Rethinking Business Development in Africa and the New Relationship with Japan”, Economic & Political Studies Series No. 166. Kansai University 2017; “Japanese corporation’s BOP Business in Africa: in Search of a New Partnership Model from Aid to Trade”, Konan Business Review ,Vol. 55 No 2, October 2014; “Science and Technology Policy in South Africa”, Konan Business Review ,Vol. 55 No 1, June 2014.
Japan has been involved in Africa’s development actively since the creation of Tokyo International Conference on African Development (TICAD) in 1993. Besides Japan’s ODA, the presence of the Japanese private sectors in Africa has been growing gradually. The recent policy transformation of Africa specially improved political and macro-economic stability, economic diversification policy, improvement of the regulations, emergence of non-commodity industries and sensible fiscal policies have been well received by the Japanese private sectors. Subsequently, this has enhanced foreign direct investment (FDI) in the cross section of industries by the Japanese corporations in Africa transferring its technology. Japan now ranks as the most active Asian project finance sponsor in Africa. Moreover, Japan has initiated a new initiative called Asia Africa Growth Corridor in 2017. JAAPF aims to link academia, business and government across Asia and Africa focusing Japan.
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